Below is a list of recipients of the Jean Ip Foundation Scholarship

Jean Ip Foundation Scholarship 2024 Recipients
Jean Ip Foundation Scholarship 2024 Recipients
The Jean Ip Foundation is pleased to announce the 2024 Jean Ip Foundation Scholarship Awards recipients. This year’s selection process was highly competitive, with many deserving applicants showcasing exceptional talent, dedication, and financial need. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the applicants for their interest and effort.
The selection committee reviewed each application using the following criteria:
Financial Need: The primary criterion is assessing applicants’ significant financial hardship and how the scholarship would alleviate this hardship.
Academic Achievement: Evaluating academic excellence, including GPA and test scores.
Community Involvement: Considering the extent and impact of the applicant’s involvement in community service and leadership activities.
Strength of the Personal Statement: Assessing the thoroughness, clarity, and compelling nature of the personal statement, as well as the applicant’s critical thinking and communication skills.
Based on these criteria, we are proud to announce the following individuals as the recipients of the 2024 Jean Ip Foundation Scholarship:
1) Donald GUAN
2) Sophia HU
3) Jeeahn KIM
4) Ziqi LIU
5) Anson MOK
6) Darren PUN
7) Hala AL-TRAD
8) Grace VOO
9) Micah WU
10) Winnie WU
11) Sinoca ZOU
These recipients have demonstrated outstanding achievements and significant financial need, making them deserving of this prestigious scholarship. Their commitment to their education and their communities embodies the values of the Jean Ip Foundation.
The Board of Directors of the Jean Ip Foundation congratulates the recipients and looks forward to supporting their educational journeys. We want to thank all applicants again for your participation.
For further information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Ophelia Ko, at (778) 855-8682.
About the Jean Ip Foundation
The Jean Ip Foundation supports needy students by offering publicly available scholarships, bursaries, and other financial assistance to individuals pursuing post-secondary education. Our mission is to empower individuals through education and community involvement, fostering a brighter future for all.
The date and location of the 2024 Jean Ip Foundation Scholarships award ceremony will be announced shortly.